Common questions pre-answered to help you understand our club and case competitions.

What is a case competition?
In a case competition you are given a case study about an organisation – this could be anything from a small startup to a billion dollar multinational or even a not-for-profit. Your team will need to analyse the company, identify key issues and present your strategy to a panel of judges. You’ll learn analysis, teamwork, presentation skills plus how to work under a tight deadline!
How can I get started?
We run a number of exciting competitions throughout the year, but if you’re just starting out we recommend the Deloitte First Years’ and Open Case Competition. The Deloitte First Years’ is for first year undergraduate students who have never done a competition before and want to give it a try. The Deloitte Open Case is open to anyone who wants to participate. What are you waiting for? Put together a team and give it a go!
What if I’ve never done a case competition before?
No worries, we were all at that stage at one point. In the weeks leading up to our competitions we run tutorials and provide resources on our website so that you know what to do.
Can I make my own team?
You can put together your own team – get your friends together and enter!
Alternatively, you can also enter individually or as a partial team and we’ll match you up with other MCC’ers.
I’m not a Commerce student - can I still compete?
Absolutely! Our members hail from all faculties. The teamwork, analytical skills and business knowledge you learn are relevant to any career you choose to pursue.
How can I compete in international teams?
Once you’ve competed in one of our competitions you can apply to enter our development programme. The development programme is an intensive 5 weeks programme where you compete to further develop your problem solving and teamwork skills. Upon completion you become eligible to represent the University on a Auckland team. Once you have gained some experience in domestic competitions you can advance further onto international teams! We’ve recently had teams compete in places such as Hong Kong, Thailand, Florida, Montreal, Copenhagen and even Serbia!