
MCCertified is a program that will allow you to earn points when you participate in competitions. You have the ability to earn more points when you do well in our competitions. You must accumulate points in order to earn your certification.

The points system

All MCCertified members who participate in a competition will be awarded 10 points. If their team progresses to the semi-finals, each individual will be awarded an additional 5 points. A further 5 points is awarded if the team reaches the finals.

Achievement Total no. points earned
Participation 10
Semi-finals 15
Finals 20







The goal for MCCertified Members is to reach a certain number of points to become ‘Certified’. There are 3 levels of certification: bronze, silver and gold.

Certification Level Total no. points earned
Bronze 30
Silver 50
Gold 80








The Program allows you to carry your points over to the following year – just remember to let us know you’re a returning member of the program when you sign up!

Whilst you will participate in events as teams, you progress will be tracked individually. This will allow you to change teams throughout the years that you are involved with the program.

We will have a leaderboard on our website so you can track how well you are doing relative to other members of the program. This leaderboard will show the top 10 performing members of the program.

The rewards

Once you become certified, you will have access to a number exclusive speaker series events. In addition to this, your achievement will be recognized at our end of year prizegiving.

We have a lot of great competitions in store for 2017, so check out our competitions page!